발행연도 2024년 7월
권호 27권 4호
ISSN 1738-6454
Current Issue : 2024년 7월 / 27권 4호
캡스톤 디자인 프로젝트 수행을 통한 제트엔진 소음특성 파악 및 저감 방안 연구
학술지공학교육연구 27권 4호 21-27p / 2024년 7월
This study introduces a series of processes aimed at understanding the noise characteristics generated by jet engines and devising measures to mitigate them through interdisciplinary capstone design projects. During the project execution, educational methods were applied to foster 4Cs (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking) competencies. Project objectives were set through team discussions, and individual team members were assigned primary roles to act as subgroup leaders. As a result, the project was executed as follows: combustion tests were conducted using an SR-30 turbojet engine to generate noise, and the locations and characteristics of the noise sources were identified using beamforming techniques and frequency analysis applied to a 30-microphone array. Additionally, chevron nozzles were designed and fabricated to confirm their noise reduction performance.
Problem Based Learning을 위한 메타버스 활용방안 연구
학술지공학교육연구 27권 4호 12-20p / 2024년 7월
This study found that the use of the metaverse enabled two-way communication online, regardless of time and place, making it possible to achieve teaching and learning goals. As applied subject (Occupational ethics in science and engineering) that allow for curriculum activities using the metaverse, team activities, and Problem Based Learning (PBL) selected. This study selected the teaching method that combines team activities of in-class and metaverse depending on the team projects and applies them appropriately according to the class procedure. Basic theoretical content learning and team activities related to the class content were conducted during class time. Also In Gathertown, team projects were carried out through team activities. As a result, this study confirmed that the PBL-subjects curriculum are definitely possible through the progress of the metaverse activities. If the educational environment for metaverse activities and the instructor’s preparation and participation are supported, a very high learning effect is expected.
인공지능 기반 학습 지원 시스템에 관한 사례 분석
학술지공학교육연구 27권 4호 3-11p / 2024년 7월
This study classified domestic and international systems by type, presenting their key features and examples, with the aim of outlining future directions for system development and research. AI-based learning assistance systems can be categorized into instructional-learning evaluation types and academic recommendation types, depending on their purpose. Instructional-learning evaluation types measure learners' levels through initial diagnostic assessments, provide customized learning, and offer adaptive feedback visualized based on learners' misconceptions identified through learning data. Academic recommendation types provide personalized academic pathways and a variety of information and functions to assist with overall school life, based on the big data held by schools. Based on these characteristics, future system development should clearly define the development purpose from the planning stage, considering data ethics and stability, and should not only approach from a technological perspective but also sufficiently reflect educational contexts.