발행연도 2024년 11월
권호 27권 6호
ISSN 1738-6454
Current Issue : 2024년 11월 / 27권 6호
인공지능, 규제와 윤리, 그리고 교양교육
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 67-78p / 2024년 11월
The recent development of AI raises such fundamental issues as the redefinition of the concept of humans and humanity and the possibility of human extinction, the restructuring of social systems, and the redefinition of humans’ relationship with the nature, as well as the regulatory and ethical issues involved. To solve these problems, human creativity is most urgently needed and it can only be achieved through convergence. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which provides the context for the development of AI, is characterized by hyperconvergence, hyperconnectedness, and superintelligence, and is itself a convergent phenomenon that is breaking down the boundaries between digital, physical, and biological worlds, requiring a fundamental redefinition of the nature of humans, society, and nature. Therefore, the creativity as such can only be achieved through a convergent transdisciplinarity based on a convergence of understanding of the fundamental principles of human and artistic, social, and natural life, freely crossing the boundaries of the digital, physical and biological worlds. This capacity is inherently best provided by liberal/general education. This is because liberal/general education is a universal, convergent, integrated, and comprehensive discipline that provides not only basic literacy through language (writing, discussion, and foreign languages) and numeracy (quantitative reasoning with data and software) as compulsory subjects, but also the fundamental knowledge and principles of human beings and their social and natural environments, and the arts that express them creatively, as optional compulsory subjects through the distribution system. Lastly, the best way to ensure that engineering students develop the convergent creativity necessary to solve the problems posed by AI is to integrate the cornerstone, keystone, and cornerstone courses that provide an multidisciplinary understanding of the fundamental principles of human, social, and natural systems in both liberal arts and engineering curricula.
컴퓨팅 사고와 비판적 사고
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 59-66p / 2024년 11월
This paper aims to compare and contrast the definitions, components, and problem-solving procedures of computational thinking and critical thinking from a complementary perspective as an educational approach to foster creativity and problem-solving skills required by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Computational thinking is the ability to understand problems in real life and various academic fields and to creatively implement and apply solutions by utilizing the basic concepts and principles of computer science and computing systems. This study aims to analyze and evaluate its components and problem solving procedures through critical thinking, which is currently being taught in the liberal arts curriculum of universities to foster creative problem-solving skills, as computational thinking is emerging as an important educational tool to promote creative problem-solving skills. To this end, the elements that constitute computational thinking are compared with the elements and properties of critical thinking, and whether the two thinking methods can play a complementary role in the creative problem-solving process. As a result, the integrated approach of computational thinking and critical thinking is effective in fostering learners' ability to think more flexibly and systematically in complex and multi-layered problem situations, and it is suggested that education that combines the two ways of thinking can be an important educational means for fostering future talents.
중학생들의 인공지능 관련 사회-과학쟁점 토론에서 나타난 논증 특징과 인식
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 48-58p / 2024년 11월
This study analyzes the argumentative characteristics and perceptions of middle school students engaged in debates on AI-related socio-scientific issues (SSI). Seven third-year middle school students participated in an AI-focused SSI debate activity. All student discussions during the argumentation activities were recorded and later transcribed for primary data analysis. Students’ arguments were analyzed using Walton’s argumentation scheme to categorize their claims and evidence. Additionally, individual discourse analyses were conducted to understand students’ perceptions of AI. According to Walton's argumentation scheme analysis, seven types of arguments emerged in student discourse: ‘consequence,’ ‘popularity,’ ‘commitment,’ ‘bias,’ ‘expert opinion,’ ‘position to know,’ and ‘analogy,’ with ‘consequence’ being the most frequent. Comparative analysis of debates by topic revealed that students’ participation levels and argument quality varied depending on the debate topic. Finally, individual discourse analysis highlighted how students perceive AI, revealing differing views on its societal impact based on supporting or opposing evidence within the debate topics. Commonly, students viewed AI as a competitor to humans, a convenient tool to transform lives, and a commercial product developed for corporate profit. These findings provide insights for effectively designing AI-related SSI lessons.
공학교육에서의 생성형 AI와 비판적 사고: 프롬프트 엔지니어링 활용에 관한 연구
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 38-47p / 2024년 11월
This study explores the integration of prompt engineering and critical thinking within generative AI applications for engineering education. As generative AI models become increasingly prevalent, prompt engineering emerges as a critical skill for optimizing AI outputs, while critical thinking ensures the validation and refinement of AI-generated responses. This research introduces innovative prompt engineering techniques and demonstrates their application through practical case studies in engineering classrooms. By analyzing student interactions with AI, we identify how critical thinking frameworks enhance output quality and foster deeper engagement. Our findings reveal that combining prompt engineering with critical thinking significantly improves students’ creative problem-solving abilities and analytical skills. Furthermore, this study provides a novel approach for educators to design more interactive and adaptive curricula, effectively incorporating generative AI to enrich the learning experience. The results underscore the transformative potential of prompt engineering as a pedagogical tool, offering clear guidance on leveraging AI technologies to empower both educators and learners.
공학커뮤니케이션 수업이 공과대학 학생의 자아효능감 및 의사소통역량에 미치는 영향
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 28-37p / 2024년 11월
This study was conducted to find out the influence of the ‘Engineering Communication’ class, a specialized liberal arts subject operated to develop the communication competence of engineering students, on the students’ self-efficacy and communication competence, and to seek ways to increase the educational effectiveness of the class. To achieve the purpose of the study, literature review and survey research methodologies were utilized. For the research, a survey was conducted on 130 students from four classes in the College of Engineering at University D in Gyeonggi Province, and the students' communication competence and self-efficacy levels were measured. The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference by gender in terms of students’ self-efficacy and communication competence, with male students showing higher levels. There was no significant difference in self-efficacy by grade level, and among communication competence, speaking skills were found to be lower in older students. There was a significant difference in self-efficacy according to GPA level up to the previous semester, but there was no significant difference in communication competence. The results of the correlation analysis between communication competence and self-efficacy showed a positive correlation, and it was confirmed that communication competence differed depending on the level of self-efficacy. Based on these research results, suggestions were made for educational directions for developing communication competence in engineering students and for follow-up research.
CQI 시스템 구축 사례 연구: 서울대학교 재료공학부 사례를 중심으로
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 14-27p / 2024년 11월
This study is to design improvement strategies for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) based on a needs assessment related to the educational objectives and curriculum revision in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University. To establish CQI as an ongoing course revision and self-assessment system, specific guidelines are needed to enable instructors to set lecture design and improvement directions in actual teaching situations. This study aims to enhance the quality of education in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Seoul National University through the development of new CQI standards and reporting formats, following an analysis of the current CQI documentation practices. Through this approach, the study seeks to regularly review educational objectives and curriculum, establishing a feedback system for CQI as a self-assessment mechanism for continuous improvement.
공학계열 대학 졸업자의 성별에 따른 전공-직무 일치 결정요인 탐색
학술지공학교육연구 27권 6호 3-13p / 2024년 11월
This study aimed to identify the differences in the determinants of major-job match based on gender among engineering graduates. Using data from the 2019 Graduate Occupational Mobility Survey, a decision tree analysis was conducted to reveal the priority and interactions of factors determining major-job match based on gender. The results showed that for both men and women, major-job match was determined by a variety of interactions among personal factors, job preparation factors, and university factors. For men, major satisfaction, priority when seeking employment, location of university, path to employment, and participation in interview skills and resume writing programs were identified as key determinants. For women, priority when seeking employment, participation in work experience programs, satisfaction with the content of major curricula, and university type were found to be the main determinants. Based on these findings, practical and customized career education strategies tailored to gender differences for engineering students were proposed.